张萍波,女,生于1981年6月,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2004年本科毕业于天津大学化学工程与工艺专业,2007年3月获天津大学化学工艺专业硕士学位,2009年6月获天津大学化学工艺专业博士学位。同年7月,进入16877太阳集团安全入口从事教学科研工作。2017年10月至2018年10月,新加坡国立大学访问学者。以“绿色合成与催化转化”作为主要研究方向,在能源化工领域有着扎实的实验基础和长期的经验积累,相关研究成果发表于Bioresource Technology、Applied Energy、Fuel、Chemical Engineering Journal、RSC advances等学术期刊,获国家授权专利多项。主持国家自然科学基金项目、教育部项目和江苏省产学研项目多项。在绿色合成与催化转化方面,曾与多家企业合作,有很好的成果转化。2011年获中国石油和化学工业联合会二等奖,2014年获江苏省科学技术二等奖,2016年获中国商业联合会科技进步一等奖。曾获盐城市“515”领军人才,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目资助。
[1]Zhang P B, Wu H, Liu Y L, Fan M M, Jiang P P, Dong Y M. Direct and postsynthesis of tin-incorporated SBA-15 functionalized with sulfonic acid for efficient biodiesel production, Fuel, 2019, 235: 426-432
[2]Zhu M N, Yue C G,Zhang P B*, Fan M M, Jiang P P, Dong Y M. Surface modification of KFimmobilizedon spherical magnetite nanoparticle with CTAB for glycerol carbonate production. Chemistryselect, 2019, 4(4), 1214-1219
[3]Zhang P B,Zhu M N, Fan M M, Jiang P P, Dong Y M. Rare earth doped calcium-based magnetic catalysts for transesterification of glycerol to glycerol carbonate. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2019, 66, 164-170
[4]Zhang P B, Shi M, Liu Y L, Fan M M, Jiang P P, Dong Y M. Magnetic solid base catalyst Fe3O4@Gly used as acid-resistant catalyst for biodiesel production. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2018, 65(6): 681-686
[5]Shi M,Zhang P B*, Liu Y L, Fan M M, Jiang P P, Dong Y M. Influence of crystal of Fe2O3in magnetism and activity of nanoparticle CaO@Fe2O3for biodiesel production, Fuel, 2017, 197: 343-347
[6]Zhang P B, Liu L H, Fan M M, Dong Y M, Jiang P P. The value-added utilization of glycerol for the synthesis of glycerol carbonate catalyzed with a novel porous ZnO catalyst, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(80): 76223-76230
[7]Zhang P B, Shi M, Liu Y L, Fan M M, Jiang P P, Dong Y M. Sr doping magnetic CaO parcel ferrite improving catalytic activity on the synthesis of biodiesel by transesterification, Fuel, 2016, 186: 787-791
[8]Fan M M, Liu Y L,Zhang P B*, Jiang P P. Blocky shapes Ca-Mg mixed oxides as a water-resistent catalyst for effective synthesis of biodiesel by transesterification, Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 149: 163-168
[9]Zhang P B, Liu H, Fan M M, Liu Y L, Huang J L. Areview on biodiesel production by transesterification catalyzed by ionic liquid catalysts, Current Organic Chemistry, 2016, 20(7): 752-760
[10]Zhang P B, Liu Y L, Fan M M, Jiang P P. Catalytic performance of a novel amphiphilic alkaline ionic liquid for biodiesel production: Influence of basicity and conductivity,Renewable Energy, 2016, 86: 99-105
[11]Liu Y L,Zhang P B*, Fan M M, Jiang P P. Biodiesel production from soybean oil catalyzed by magnetic nanoparticle MgFe2O4@CaO,Fuel, 2016, 164: 314-321
[12]Zhang P B, Zhou Y, Fan M M, Jiang P P.PdCl2-loading mesoporous copper oxide as a novel and environmentally friendly catalyst for diethyl carbonate synthesis,Applied Surface Science, 2015, 332: 379-383(SCI)
[13]Zhang P B, Zhou Y, Fan M M, Jiang P P. Catalytic synthesis of diethyl carbonate with supported Pd‐Cu bimetallic nanoparticle catalysts: Cu(I) as the active species,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015, 36: 2036-2043
[14]Fan M M, Han Q J,Zhang P B*, Jiang P P. Enhanced catalytic activity for biodiesel synthesis using an acid-tolerant calcium/magnesium/aluminum-oxide hybrid with improved hydrophobicity and dispersibility,Energy Technology, 2015, 3(3): 211-215
[15]Zhang P B,Han Q J,Fan M M,Jiang P P. A novel waste water scale-derived solid base catalyst for biodiesel production,Fuel, 2014, 124: 66-72
[16]Zhang P B,Han Q J,Fan M M,Jiang P P. Magnetic solid base catalyst CaO/CoFe2O4for biodiesel production:Influence of basicity and wettability of the catalyst in catalytic performance,Applied Surface Science, 2014, 317: 1125-1130
[17]Zhang P B,Zhou Y, Fan M M, Jiang P P. Catalytic performance of PdCl2/Cu-HMS: Influence of hydrophobicity and structure of molecular sieves.Applied Surface Science, 2014, 295, 50-53
[18]Zhang P B,Zhou Y, Fan M M, Jiang P P.Effect of Hydrophobic Modification on the Catalytic Performance of PdCl2/Cu-HMS with Different Silylation Temperatures.Catalysis Letters, 2014,144: 320-324
[19]Fan M M, Huang J L, Yang J,Zhang P B*.Biodiesel production by transesterification catalyzed by an efficient choline ionic liquid catalyst.Applied Energy, 2013,108, 333-339
[20]Fan M M, Yang J, Jiang P P,Zhang P B*, Li S S. Synthesis of novel dicationic basic ionic liquids and its catalytic activities for biodiesel production.RSC Advances, 2013, 3(3): 752-756
[21]Zhang P B, Fan M M, Jiang P P. A novel method to reduce the influence of by-product water on the catalytic performance of PdCl2/Cu-HMS catalysts for the synthesis of diethyl carbonate.RSC Advances, 2012,2: 4593-4595
[22]Fan M M, Zhou J J, Han Q J,Zhang P B*. Effect of various functional groups on biodiesel synthesis from soybean oils by acidic ionic liquids.Chinese Chemical Letters, 2012, 23(10): 1107-1110(SCI)
[23]Fan M M,Zhang P B*, Ma Q K.Enhancement of biodiesel synthesis from soybean oil by potassium fluoride modification of a calcium magnesium oxides catalyst.Bioresource Technology, 2012, 104(2): 447-450
[24]Zhang P B, Fan M M, Jiang P P. A novel method to reduce the influence of by-product water on the catalytic performance of PdCl2/Cu-HMS catalysts for the synthesis of diethyl carbonate.RSC Advances, 2012, 2(11): 4593-4595
[25]Zhang P B, Kang L X, Shu C Y, Fan M M. Hβ Supported K2CO3catalysts for dipropyl carbonate synthesis from transesterification route.Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis,2011, 103: 209-217
[26]Zhang P B,Huang S Y, Wang S P, Ma X B. Effect of extra-framework silicon on the catalytic activity of Cuβ zeolite catalyst for synthesis of diethyl carbonate by oxidative carbonylation of ethanol.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 172: 526-530
[27]Zhang P B, Ma X B. Catalytic synthesis of diethyl carbonate by oxidative carbonylation of ethanol over PdCl2/Cu-HMS catalyst.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 163(1-3): 93-97
[28]Zhang P B, Huang S Y, Yang Y, et al. Effect of SSIE structure of Cu-exchanged β and Y on the selectivity for synthesis of diethyl carbonate by oxidative carbonylation of ethanol: A comparative investigation.Catalysis Today, 2010, 149: 202-206
[1]张萍波,石敏,范明明,蒋平平.一种合成生物柴油磺酸功能化聚合物催化剂及其制备方法,ZL 201510242479.4,2017-01-25
[2]张萍波,范明明,蒋平平.一种合成生物柴油离子液体固载分子筛催化剂及其制备方法,ZL 201110370172.4,2014-08-06
[3]张萍波,韩秋菊,范明明,蒋平平.一种合成生物柴油碱性离子液体修饰磁性纳米颗粒催化剂及其制备方法,ZL 201310131745.7,2014-08-06
[4]张萍波,韩秋菊,常静,范明明,蒋平平.一种合成生物柴油的磁性钙基固体碱催化剂制备方法,ZL 201310643639.7,2015-09-30
[5]张萍波,石敏,范明明,蒋平平.一种合成碳酸甘油酯的基于POSS的碱性离子液体催化剂及其制备方法,ZL 201410555089.8,2016-08-24
Email: pingbozhang@126.com